Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wholeness and Holiness and Healing

There was such a sense of sacred space, such a sense of hope and belonging as we gathered in the chapel. Twenty five of us came for our quarterly healing service. It was easy to sense God’s Spirit in our midst.

It is a tender thing to acknowledge our vulnerability.

It is powerful to recognize God’s intention and ability to heal.

It is a sweet privilege to claim that promise and to pray for one another.

Some of us were there for the first time.

Others are regulars, who love this service.

One by one, those who wish prayers for healing come to one of the stations.

The things that are offered up for prayer are so powerful-

A woman who welcomed her first great-grandchild today asked us to pray for peace in the world.

A woman who has had her share of medical intervention these last 2 years is facing yet another surgery- we prayed with tears.

An elder prayed that we as a congregation would know how to gather around and support one who is critically ill.

A strong and vigorous man facing troubling symptoms and no clear diagnosis asked us to pray for his healing.

And on it went- a litany of beauty, courage, truth, pain, and hope.

And we held each request up, and sensed the presence of the Spirit encouraging us all.

And we sang, and sang, holding one another in the prayerful music, drawing strength from Carol’s beautiful playing and our voices united.

We marked all who wished with the sign of the cross, anointing with oil as a sign of healing and gladness.

One of our number, who had never been baptized as a child, received the sacrament, and was marked as Christ's own forever.

At the end of the service, as I looked out at this small, gathered community, each one looked as if they had been in the Presence of the Holy One. It felt as if we were truly Community- One body in Christ as scripture says it. I wished they could see themselves, radiant and peaceful.

And I felt a wave of gladness and gratitude that I make my home in this place with these people- where such holiness and healing can be found and shared.

We were the Church tonight.

Thanks be to God.

1 comment:

Bob Saenz said...

Thank you Sandy, for a beautiful service and wonderfully sensitive description of the service. Truly, God was there and His presence was felt by all.