In spite of wildly unseasonable weather (snow?! Who has snow on Memorial Day ???) about 80 of us gathered to celebrate being Family, and to celebrate God’s presence with us.
Kids threw slushballs at each other with glee, adults sipped coffee and had spacious conversations. We made T-shirts and tiaras and beeswax candles and journals and friendship bracelets, we prayed together in morning watch and at vespers.
Stevie Earp played his guitar until we were done singing, (I am amazed his fingers didn’t fall off) and we had races and balloon games and all manner of silliness.
We were conscious of things that had changed since last year- folk like Paul and Bill who were no longer with us- and were grateful for the gift of life and togetherness.
One of the things I love best about family camp is the way we create worship together- taking responsibility for acting out scripture or making the sermon visible, the way that we sing and share in the prayers, the way children and adults together take leadership in bringing us before the Holy. Celebrating communion in such an informal setting is full of tenderness and genuineness, an affirmation that we come as we are, and Jesus welcomes us and sends us out as his own. “No longer do I call you servants, but I call you friends...”
This weekend I am the retreat speaker for the women of Upland Pres, and their candidate for ministry Lee Ireland will preach at FPCSB. I will miss you.
p.s.- the great photos above are courtesy of Dale Showman!
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