Thursday, August 28, 2008

8-28-08 This Week at First Pres

Labor Day Weekend, and the summer, which I always wait for and always revel in, is drawing to its unofficial close. As a kid who grew up with public school teacher parents, I am especially wistful as the transition draws near- the long, light days and the time to share them are my favorite.

At the same time, the arrival of Fall and the fresh start it represents never fails to grab my imagination. Though the new beginning no longer includes a back-to-school outfit, still there is much to anticipate.

First of all, there’s Kickoff Sunday, when we’ll pledge once again to share in life together: especially the learning and sharing of our faith. We will bless our learners and our teachers, and ask for God’s help to grow in grace in this new year. We’ll be helped in that endeavor by a full-on party: Lighthouse Bluegrass Band of San Diego will be with us to bring sparkle, energy, and joy to our ‘homecoming’. Band member Rev. Wayne Rice (author of several books, Presbyterian pastor, co-founder of Youth Specialties organization) will be our preacher, and after being fed by the Word, we’ll be fed by the Mariners who will sponsor a Hoe-down with BBQ sandwiches and plenty to eat. It will be a colorful, joyful, wonderful day- a terrific new beginning. How could I not be excited?

I’m also excited because this Fall we will welcome an Associate Pastor to our staff. Letters went out this week to a congregation in New York to let them know that their pastor, the Rev Eric Ledermann, has been offered an opportunity (in his words) that he cannot pass up. We elected him unanimously (Really?!? Yes! Really!!) and as he begins the slow process of his transition to this coast, there is great enthusiasm about what the Spirit will do in our midst when he arrives at the end of October. That’s still 8 weeks away, but the beginning of Fall signals that his arrival is just around the corner.

Mostly, as the season turns, I am excited that we are continuing to be who we are. Last night the Session met, and though we had lots to discuss and decide, there was such a spirit of warmth and care and gladness, that I went home grateful to be here sharing this work. Dr. Beth Liebert asked us last Sunday to work at noticing where God is present in our midst- last night’s meeting was full of signs of Grace.

Perhaps the best part was when Jim and Dawn brought their baby to present him for baptism. Their 4 year old is a veteran, having been baptized 3 years ago, and having gathered with other children at the base of the font several times since. He was able to tell me what I do when we baptize a baby, and some of what it means. A great tenderness welled up in us as we remembered that God loves us, and the community pledges its love and care for us, before we are able to understand it or earn it. As we thought about the many ways our lives are knit together: that this baby’s father was baptized here a few decades ago, that everyone present remembered Aidan’s baptism, that each of us around the table had ourselves received this grace- we found ourselves both smiling and tearful.

Grass withers, flowers fade, seasons change. God’s love endures forever. Thanks be to God that we can dwell in the midst of it. Happy Labor Day!